About Blog

Hey world! My name is Jordan Hu and I’m a second generation Taiwanese American that grew up in the rooted suburbs of New Jersey but “home” will always be in Taiwan for me.

The idea to start “The Nomad Inside” began when I was spending a summer in Taichung back in the year 2018. At the time, I was contemplating on how to get back into the habit of recording my personal stories and reflections but in a more accessible fashion.

Ever since I was in high school, I’ve long acknowledged the importance of writing and its undermined value of being an outlet to express, document and reflect. For me at least, the act of “jotting things down on paper” provides a level of clarity that helps facilitate a better understanding one’s own emotions. The goal behind this blog is to add a level transparency between me and whoever is interested on my philosophies to life through an archive of personal stories, observations, experiences and reflections.

So what exactly does the name “The Nomad Inside” mean? By definition, a nomad is “an individual who isn’t settled and constantly moving from place to place.” This blog’s name alludes to the adoption of a so called “nomadic mindset” and applying it to your everyday life, regardless of your circumstance or lifestyle you live. I’ve always been somebody that had a genuine curiosity in the world we live in: from the people that inhabit it and the way we as humans navigate through it individually. By adopting this nomadic mentality, I have found that it encourages you to be more explorative and venture outside of your comfort zone and break your everyday routines. For me at least, it makes life that much more interesting, exciting and spontaneous. You only get to live once so… make it freakin’ count!

I want to clarify that the intent is not to communicate that you need to necessarily be traveling in order to adopt this sort of mindset. If anything, it is that you can work this thinking into your own life. Everybody has different interests, different financial situation, adult responsibilities and it can oftentimes be a huge blocker for us to pursue something new. That being said, mind over matter – it is up to only yourself to take accountability, identify the opportunities for new adventures in your own life, and actually make the move to pursue something new.

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